ISSN 1886-5895





Sonia Martín Pérez (Raleway/Raleway Medium, font 14, underlined, bold)

Inspector of Education. PhD in Industrial Engineering.

Place of Work. Location or Province.



Abstract (Raleway/Raleway Medium, font, 12) Line spacing 1.5 Spacing 6, top and bottom. Space before paragraph. Indent 1st line.

Raleway Medium, font 12. Maximum 200 words. This paragraph has them, the abstract must conform to IMRYD format (introduction, method, results, and discussion) for case studies, articles and studies, bibliographic reviews do not.

First line: indentation of 1 margin. Applies to all text, including headings and subheadings. All text is double spaced, i.e. 1.5. Alignment justified. Left margin 3 cm, right margin 2 cm.

This paragraph meets the requirements, as we can see the 200 words are about 15 lines. The font used throughout the text is Raleway Medium, size 10, which is equivalent to Times Roman, size 12. It is used because it is the corporate font of USIE and is free of copyright,

I have added this text on university inspection simply as a filler, as an example of the maximum space the summary can occupy. The educational inspection intervenes on all the elements and aspects of the educational system, and forming part of it are the university teachings, although these are regulated by their specific rules. At this moment once the distribution of competences between the State and the Autonomous Communities has been made.

Key words: First with capital letters, next lower case, lower case, lower case, lower case, lower case. NO MORE than 7 and no less than 4. In italics.

Preference is given to keywords that follow the format established by UNESCO that include a number and the descriptor, example: 580202 Organization and management of educational institutions.



Same conditions as the abstract. In this article the evolution of the university inspection is analyzed, contrasting it with the evolution of the educational inspection since its beginning, as well as the current. Example: The case of the Region of Castilla y León is exposed for being a pioneer in the implementation of the Inspection in university matters, counting on the inspection of education for applying the functions included in its Law.

Keywords: First with capital letters, following lower case, lower case, lower case Same conditions as the Keywords.

1. INTRODUCTION Spacing 6, top and bottom

Section title in capital letters and bold. Size 12. Titles should be numbered with Arabic numerals: 1, 2, 3,

1.1. SUBSECTIONS. Spacing 6, top and bottom. Font size 10.

The subsections shall be numbered consecutively also with Arabic numerals: 1.1, 1. 2. The title of the subsection shall be in capital letters, not bold.

If there are other subsections within it, they shall also be numbered consecutively: example: 1.1.1, ,1.1.2, 1.1.3....... tables or graphs must meet two requirements: they must be numbered, with Arabic numerals, have a title and always indicate the source of the graph or table: in the case of being the auto.


If quotations are included, they should not be in italics, but in quotation marks.


REFERENCES (optional)

  • Alcaide, A. M. (2009). Una ley centenaria: la Ley de Instrucción Pública (Ley Moyano, 1857). Cabás, (1), 6.

  • -Alhambra, C., Cirac, V. C., & Onega, A. I. (1999). La Inspección en la educación secundaria y. Revista de educación (320), 39-59.

  • -Andrés, J. M. (2016). Los nuevos retos de la Educación Superior. Revista Fuentes, (2).

  • -Bermejo, V. S. (1999). La inspección en la universidad: el modelo de inspección de servicios de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Revista de educación nº 320. La inspección educativa, (320), 193-201.

  • -Chozas Alonso, J.M. & Asensio Muñoz, I.I. (2015) Mesa redonda “El papel de la inspección de servicios de las Universidades Públicas”. Modelos de las Inspecciones de Servicios, mapa y estándares. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

  • -Esteban Frades, S. (2014). La inspección de educación. Historia, pensamiento y vida. Oviedo: Adide y KRK ediciones.