ISSN 1886-5895

Publicate guidelines




Supervisión21 journal is a free and open access publication, edited by the Unión Sindical de Inspectores de Educación (USIE); it does not have any other financial support or links with other educational or business organizations. The publication does not include direct marketing activities, except those linked to actions of the publisher, USIE.


 Four issues per year are published quarterly, in the last week of January, April, July and October of each year. 


The aim of the magazine is to disseminate relevant aspects of the educational field, devoting specific and prominent treatment to topics related to education inspection, as well as those directly linked to it: school organisation and participation, legislation, pedagogical leadership, evaluation in all areas, quality and educational improvement and rights and duties of the educational community. 


The journal is aimed at the entire educational community, with the participation of education inspectors, management teams, teachers, university professors, researchers and any member of the educational community.

The journal Supervisión21 is regulated by an Editorial Board and a Scientific Board, whose members include education inspectors and relevant experts on educational issues from various fields and levels. 


The composition of both councils is public and can be consulted at You can subscribe freely to the journal by sending an e-mail request to the journal's e-mail address or by filling in the news subscriber form on the website: 

The information provided on USIE and Supervisión21 can be reliably verified by readers and authors in all its terms.

As a form of archiving and indexing, the journal is part of the registry and archive of DIALNET (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, OAI-PMH), LATINDEX DIRECTORIO, REBIUN, GOOGLE ACADÉMICO y DOAJ ( Directory of Access Journals). Likewise, it is incorporated into CROSSREF, assigning the Digital Object Identifier System (DOI) to those articles and collaborations of greater relevance, and according to the assessment of the Editorial and Scientific Board, guaranteeing in its archives the preservation and access to its content in the event that it ceases to be published.

It is strongly recommended that authors submitting texts of any kind be affiliated with the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use while participating in research, scholarship and innovation activities, each author's own unique profile, a 16-digit number and associated record (sometimes called a profile) that stores automatic links to all their research and links all their research,



No fee or charge will be required for the processing of the manuscript or for the publication of its materials.

 Collaboration with the journal Supervisión21 can be carried out in two non-exclusive ways: 

a) By submitting unpublished texts for publication, respecting the rules set out in this document and which may be destined for a specific section of the journal. If the text involves research, the authors must have made a significant contribution to it.

b) Sending to the Editorial Board proposals for topics that could be dealt with in an issue or suggestions of any kind to improve the formal or content aspects of the journal.


The texts for publication should be sent to the e-mail including the attached file with the full text. In the subject line of the e-mail should be written: SP21_Name of the article_Surname of the author(s). Example: SP21_InspecciónsigloXXI_Fernández_López. Submissions by post are not accepted.

Articles in English and French can be sent with an annexed text translated into Spanish and in the same format as the template provided on the website. 

The attached file should be named the same as the subject of the e-mail. The e-mail should include the contact details of the author(s): name and surname(s), postal address, and home telephone number, place of work and function, centre address and telephone number.

The interested parties will receive an e-mail with the acknowledgement of receipt. If the author(s) submits a subsequent certification of the publication, his/her/their ID card must be included in the data. The texts submitted for publication will be assigned, according to the preference of the author/s, to one of the sections of the journal: Practical Cases, Articles, Bibliographic Reviews, Studies and Research, etc. 

If the author(s) do not specify the section to which their contribution is destined, the Editorial Board will determine the section in which it will be published. 

Articles will only be accepted if they are unpublished and are not under evaluation in other journals.

Scientific Board may refuse to accept submissions if any evidence of plagiarism is found, in which case the author will not be allowed to publish again in the journal Supervisión21



Specific characteristics that must be met by the texts submitted for publication in the journal Supervision21: 

  • Articles must be submitted in Word or compatible format, A4 size and font: Raleway (if this free font is not available, it can be requested from the Editorial Board).

  •  Title of the text: 18-point size, capital letters, bold. 

  • Author's name and surname(s): 14-point size, lowercase and underlined. Profession (and degree if you wish to add) and place where it is exercised: 14-point size.


Mª Pilar Ochoa Arnaiz 

Education inspector and university professor (Jaén). 

  • Title of each section: 12-point size, in capital letters, bold and numbered: 1, 2... Title of each subsection: 12-point size and in capital letters. Text of the article: 12-point size. Margins: 3 cm, left side; 2 cm, right side. Spacing: 1.50. Double space at the beginning of paragraph and justified alignment. First line of paragraph: 1.25. 

  • Header and footer: page numbering (X of Y), 10-point size. 

Texts should include: 

-Title: in Spanish and English. Maximum of twelve words (preferably, with exceptions justified by the Editorial Board).

-Abstract: in Spanish and English. The abstract should be no longer than 200 words and should conform to the IMRYD format (introduction, method, results, and discussion) for case studies, articles, studies, and research. Exceptions will be determined by the Editorial Board. Only in cases where literature reviews are submitted, the IMRYD requirement is waived. If the article submitted is also in a foreign language other than English, the abstract should also be in that language. 

- Palabras clave/Keywords: in English and Spanish. The number of keywords, in italics, should be between four and seven, and are descriptors that facilitate the search for the content of the contribution (with exceptions determined by the Editorial Board). Preferentially, keywords will follow the format established by the UNESCO codes for the different branches and fields of knowledge, see:

Codes include a number and the descriptor. Example: 580202 Organisation and management of educational institutions. In case the submitted article is also in a foreign language other than English, the keywords shall also be in that language. 

-Length: the text should not exceed 10,000 words in the case of case studies and articles, and 2,000 words in the case of bibliographical reviews or studies and research. In any case, longer texts will be accepted at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

-Footnotes: should only be included for observations of particular importance and never for bibliographical references. Endnotes should not be included. 

-Tables, graphs, and figures: should be included in the document in the appropriate place and should be conveniently numbered (Arabic) and titled and referred to in numerical order in the text.

-Cover image: the texts published in the sections "Bibliographical Reviews" and "Studies and Research", should preferably include a scanned image of the cover of the document, as well as a description or enumeration of the chapters.  

-References: texts published in the "Bibliographical Reviews" and "Studies and Research" sections do not need to include this section. 

-Citations and references format: should be done according to the latest version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) and for electronic references

They should appear collected in a final section called "Bibliographical references" that will contain all the references provided in the document, alphabetically ordered. 

The following is allowed:

a) The submission of texts in bilingual format: two co-official languages of Spain or the text in Spanish and English or French.

b) Bold and italics. It is recommended to use underlining only for URL addresses.

c) The insertion of images and photographs, which must be of good quality and in JPG format.

The author(s) who request(s) it by e-mail will receive a template that fulfils all the above requirements, thus facilitating the drafting of the text. This same document is used for this purpose as it meets the required standards.


The submitted text must not have been previously published, nor have been sent to another journal. The Editorial Board may request an explanation if there is any doubt to the author(s). 

As part of the submission process, author(s) are obliged to ensure that their submission complies with all the elements listed in these guidelines.

Submissions that do not meet these guidelines will be returned to author(s).

Authors are required to participate in the double-blind peer review process. 

Authors are bound to participate in the double-blind peer review process. To ensure that the reviewers are not conditioned by the authorship of the text, there will be no reference in the content of the text to the author that could identify him/her, or to projects, funding, etc. This information will be included once the text has been accepted.


Upon correct receipt of a text, the author(s) will be informed by e-mail.

As far as possible, the chronological order according to the date of receipt of a submission will be respected, trying to publish it in the next issue of the journal, if it is definitively accepted. 

The texts will be selected as follows:

a) On receipt of the text, the Editorial Board will verify that it complies with the publication standards specified in this document. 

b) Double-blind peer review: the Editorial Board will make an initial evaluation of the text considering its originality and relevance in the educational field. Afterwards, the submitted articles will be evaluated and reported on by external peer reviewers to assess their scientific quality; in case of discrepancies, the Editorial Board will make the final decision according to the reviewers’ reports.

The review will be carried out objectively and without conflict of interest, where relevant aspects, positive and negative, will be pointed out for the acceptance of the submitted article.

 Reviewed articles will be treated confidentially.

c) The Editorial Board will transmit, when appropriate, the pertinent observations and recommendations to the author(s), who will be able to make the corresponding modifications within a period not exceeding fifteen days. The modified article will be assessed again by the Editorial Board. All authors are committed to provide retractions or corrections of suggested errors.

d) The Editorial Board will inform the author(s) of the acceptance of the text by e-mail, indicating the expected publication in the journal.



 Supervision21's Code of Ethics refers to the following aspects: I) the journal's policies on authorship and contribution; II) handling complaints and appeals; III) conflict of interest/competing interests’ policies; IV) data sharing and reproducibility policies; V) ethical Oversight Policy; VI) intellectual property policy; and VII) journal options for post-publication discussions and corrections.

The journal Supervisión21 is not responsible for the ideas and opinions expressed by the authors of the published texts, with the exception of the publisher. Any complaint in this regard should be made to the authors of the work causing the complaint or discrepancy.

In the event of detecting malpractice in the preparation of the texts submitted, the Editorial Board will choose not to publish them.

The authors of the texts cede their reproduction rights to Supervision21, being able to include these works in manuscripts compilations may be included in future compilations, both digital and in the printed media published by USIE, which will always cite their origin and authorship. 

Authors are entitled to receive certification of authorship of the publication. 

After publication of the corresponding issue, authors have fifteen calendar days to communicate corrections of their text, duly justified, by e-mail to the Editorial Board.

Supervision21, is an open access publication, which does not deny the intellectual property or authors’ rights to their articles; on the contrary, it respects them. Authors are therefore authorised to disseminate their texts published in the journal in any other media (institutional repositories, blogs or personal web pages, etc.), or support as long as it is without commercial purposes and mentioning that the work has been edited in this journal and informing the Editorial Board.

Dissemination will always take place after publication in the journal, and never before the revision, layout or correction phase. These measures are aimed to encourage the reading and citation of the article, and thus achieve a greater and faster diffusion of the published text.

For any use other than publication in Supervision21,, the Editorial Board should consult the author(s) of the text. Publication in Supervision21, due to its free nature, does not entitle the authors to any financial remuneration. 

Readers may reproduce and distribute the published texts provided that: it is done for non-commercial purposes; no alterations are made to the content of the published text; full details of the published text are given name of the author, title of the article, review or study, issue, month and year of the journal Supervisión21.

If the Editorial Board is informed of any accusation of malpractice in the preparation and/or research of a published text, it will proceed to verify the complaint; if confirmed, the Editorial Board will remove the text from all databases with the publication of the corresponding retraction. The author will be informed of these actions.

To contact the Editorial Board or Scientific Board, please send an e-mail to: or write to the following postal address: C/Andalucía, Nº 6, 5º D. Madrid. 28007.