ISSN 1886-5895

Vol. 71 No. 71 (2024): JANUARY 2024


Lara Salillas Martínez
Maestra de Educación Infantil y Educación Primaria (especialidad de Audición y Lenguaje, Pedagogía Terapéutica, Educación física, Educación Musical y Lengua Inglesa) y Pedagoga. Máster en investigación e innovación educativas y Máster en orientación e intervención psicopedagógica. CEIP San Juan de la Peña (Jaca)
Víctor Reillo Pamplona
Maestro en Educación Primaria (con especialidad en Lengua Francesa e Inglesa) Maestro de Lengua Francesa en CEIP Monte Oroel (Jaca).

Published 2024-01-31


  • Metodologías innovadoras, aprendizaje pedagógico activo, fracaso escolar, bajo rendimiento, Aprendizaje Pedagógico Activo y zonas de descubrimiento pedagógico.
  • Innovative methodologies, active pedagogical learning, school failure, low performance, Active Pedagogical Learning and Pedagogical Discovery Zones.

How to Cite

Salillas Martínez L., & Reillo Pamplona, V. (2024). REVOLUTIONIZING EDUCATION: ACTIVE LEARNING. Supervisión 21, 71(71).


In this article, we address the challenges we face in education such as low motivation, school failure, poor performance, and school absenteeism. Our proposal to these issues lies in an approach that combines diverse methodologies and curriculum areas in different spaces, with the fundamental purpose of empowering our students. This methodology is called "Active Pedagogical Learning" (APL), in which we work through pedagogical discovery zones where students actively engage in their own process of competency acquisition. We consider it necessary to provide a range of possibilities adapted to their characteristics and needs from an inclusive approach based on the principles of Universal Design for Learning. Additionally, we aim to provide the necessary tools for embarking on a journey of continuous learning, with the basis of the Ley Orgánica 3/2020, de 29 de diciembre, por la que se modifica la Ley Orgánica 2/2006, de 3 de mayo, de Educación (LOMLOE), and considering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically, number 4. Quality education.

In essence, our goal is to equip students with skills and competencies that not only serve them in the classroom but are also transferable throughout their lives, preparing them to face future challenges with confidence and determination. Education should not be seen as an end but as an instrument or tool to achieve broader goals and accomplishments in a person's life. In other words, the school is a means for and by the students.