ISSN 1886-5895

Vol. 70 No. 70 (2023): OCTOBER 2023

USIE BRINGS TOGETHER 400 EDUCATION INSPECTORS IN GRANADA TO DEBATE THEIR PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE.: USIE sponsors the birth of the European Federation of Education Inspectors' Unions.

Julio Montes Mérida
Inspector de educación. Andalucía.

Published 2023-10-31


  • USIE,
  • Congreso,
  • Federación Europea de sindicatos de inspectores de educación
  • Federación Europea de sindicatos de inspectores de educación,
  • USIE,
  • Congress

How to Cite

Montes Mérida J. (2023). USIE BRINGS TOGETHER 400 EDUCATION INSPECTORS IN GRANADA TO DEBATE THEIR PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE.: USIE sponsors the birth of the European Federation of Education Inspectors’ Unions. Supervisión 21, 70(70). Retrieved from


On the third day of the Ides of October 2023, in the Iberian Iliberis, the Latin Florentia (flowery and fruitful city) and the Muslim Elvira, with its Jewish neighborhood of Granata, in a magical, enchanted and elf city, Granada welcoming, melting pot of races and religions, an example of coexistence and harmony, a Meeting takes place in phase 23, which began with a national character, but on the third day of sharing experiences, proposals, reflections, debates and, why not , comparative complaints and lamentations, takes on an international nuance, with the sound of Portuguese fado and the aroma of British tea.