ISSN 1886-5895

Vol. 69 No. 69 (2023): JULY 2023


Elif Simge Guzelergene
Asistente de investigación. Máster en Administración Educativa. Turquía.
Deniz Baransel Cinar
Asistente de investigación. Máster en Administración Educativa. Turquía.
Kazım Celik
Profesor y Doctor en Administración Educativa. Turquía.
Funda Nayir
Profesora asociada y Doctora en Administración Educativa. Turquía.
Abdurrahman Tanriogen
Profesor y Doctor en Administración Educativa. Turquía.

Published 2023-07-31


  • Supervisión, sistema educativo turco, Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Presidencia de Inspectores de Educación, Jefatura de Inspección, inspector.
  • Supervision, the Turkish Education System, the Ministry of National Education, the Presidency of Education Inspectors, the Inspection Board, inspector.

How to Cite

Guzelergene, E. S., Cinar, D. B., Celik, K., Nayir, F., & Tanriogen, A. (2023). SUPERVISION IN THE TURKISH EDUCATION SYSTEM. Supervisión 21, 69(69).


Supervision is a part of the contemporary management process that helps educational institutions accomplish their goals by evaluating their performance and offering recommendations for improvement and growth based on the results. In the Turkish Education System, the Ministry of National Education is in charge of supervising educational institutions to guarantee that they are adhering to the purposes, basic principles, and objectives of the legal and legislative framework. There are two distinct organizational structures for educational supervision: one with "chief inspectors," "inspectors," and "assistant inspectors" working under the Board of Inspection, which executes operations with the Minister's direction or approval, and the other with "educational inspectors" and "assistant educational inspectors" under the Directorate of Educational Inspectors. Although the job of both boards is the same, their authority and personal rights are different. The first is the central organization of the Ministry of National Education, while the second is the provincial organization under the Provincial Directorates of National Education. These entities were formed as the Presidency of the Board of Inspection in the Ministry's central organization and the Presidencies of Education Inspectors in the provinces. Over the last 30 years, Türkiye’s system of educational supervision has been shaped by changing legal precedents on who is eligible to be an inspector, their level of authority, their rights as individuals, and even whether they should actively supervise in the provinces. For 30 years, attempts to alter the monitoring system have left it ineffective and insufficient.