ISSN 1886-5895

Vol. 23 No. 23 (2012): Nº 23 - ENERO 2012

Nº 23 – JANUARY 2012


Published 2022-02-14

How to Cite

Nº 23 – JANUARY 2012. (2022). Supervisión 21, 23(23). Retrieved from


The economy is important, education is key to the future.
The year ends, a new legislature begins and with it a new political cycle.
The President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, presented in his investiture speech relevant aspects of his educational proposals: expansion of the baccalaureate, common teachings for the entire State and others, all of them already contemplated in the electoral program of the winning party in the elections of 20 of November. The importance given to education in the investiture debate is to be appreciated. Now it remains to compare words with deeds and trust that the announced measures will be carried out in an efficient, systematic and, as far as possible, consensual manner.
The newly created Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports will be configured in the coming days with a new organization chart and political and technical positions at the head of the different management and administrative units; As a professional union, we express our desire to collaborate with this new ministerial team, to which we will send our proposals regarding the inspection of education as soon as possible. In this sense, it is worth remembering that the Ordinary General Assembly held in June 2011 approved the base document called “Model of education inspection” that will serve USITE as a guide for action in the coming years. Our professional group, as on previous occasions, will contribute initiatives and proposals generated from reflection, analysis and, above all, knowledge of the daily educational reality, because it is evident to everyone that our educational system needs important qualitative improvements, improvements that They must implicitly redefine the actions of the education inspectorate and increase their presence in centers, programs and other educational spheres.
This issue of Supervisión 21 magazine provides information on various activities carried out by USITE in the last quarter of 2011, as well as information on the XII National Meeting held in Oviedo in October, which is now available on the web. The magazine reviews, among other topics of interest, the presentation last November 8 in Madrid of the book published by the Tirant lo Blanch publishing house on the prestigious inspector D. Adolfo Maillo, and also reports on the USITE training session at the Valencian Community, which had a high participation of inspectors. The magazine also presents a brief commentary on the content of the recently published magazine Educa Nova No. 3, and in the field of inspection history we have the pleasant and qualified participation of the inspector María Teresa López del Castillo with an interesting and well-documented article on the "opposition" of 1950, article written after reading the aforementioned book on Adolfo Maillo.
Faced with this new stage that is beginning, we reiterate our commitment to education, betting on the continuous improvement of our work as education inspectors from professionalism and the vocation of service to society.
To all our readers and collaborators, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a successful 2012.
Jesus Marrodán Girones