ISSN 1886-5895

Vol. 56 No. 56 (2020): Nº 56 – ABRIL 2020

Published 2022-03-29


  • Enseñanza, aprendizaje, estudios internacionales, TALIS, OCDE, docentes, líderes escolares
  • Teaching and learning, international studies, TALIS, OECD, teachers, school leaders

How to Cite

INFORME TALIS. 2018 VOL. II. (2022). Supervisión 21, 56(56), 8. Retrieved from


 Last June 19th, 2019, the third cycle of the quinquennial survey TALIS 2108 (Teaching and Learning International Survey) was completed. This survey, promoted by OECD

(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) is an international large-scale survey of teachers, school leaders and the learning environment in schools, focused,

on this last cycle, on two main aspects which results are gathered in two volumens:

●  VOLUMEN I: Teachers and School Leaders as Long Life Learning,  published on June 19 th., 2019.

●  VOLUMEN II: Teachers and School Leaders as valued professionals.  Spanish Report, published last March 24 th. 2020.

In this document, we´ll try to synthesize the main results gathered in Volumen II, which addresses four pillars: prestige, career opportunities, collaboration, autonomy.

As in Volumen I, this survey took place in 48 countries and economies all over the world. In the case of Spain, it involved 7.047 teachers and 396 school principals from 843

public and private schools.

A remarkable aspect in TALIS 2018 Spain is that our country had participated for the first time on the Primary Education level results not only on lower Secondary. And seven

Autonomuos Communities had extended the sample in both educational stages: Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Cataluña, Comunidad de Madrid, Comunitat Valenciana

and La Rioja.